Beruf & Karriere
Kursnummer: P12430NNN02
  • Neu im Programm

Write effective CVs to stand out from the crowd

A good CV or resume is your door opener to get the job you want. As your written application is the first thing that a potential employer will see, it is vital that you manage to grab the recruiter's attention. It requires time, effort and skills to create a text and design that makes you stand out from the crowd. However, presenting your strengths is a skill you can master easily with this course, no matter whether you are a student, seeking your first job, or already have professional experience. Writing successful job applications varies in every country. In order to find jobs in the European labour market or outside you need to be aware of the particular standards and requirements. In this context, we will also talk about the differences in application cultures across various countries, especially in Germany.
In this course you will not only get to know different types of CVs and resumes, but also get the opportunity to prepare your personal document ready to use. With years of experience, Ms Nuzhnenko will guide you through the process and give feedback on your draft. She will give examples of strong and weak CVs and explain typical mistakes, buzzwords and key words. According to her motto “Sharing is caring”, she will share her tips from years of experience to greatly increase the chances for your application to be forwarded to the interview stage.

Wichtige Hinweise

The course language is English.

Ein Kurs von Kateryna Nuzhnenko

Foto: Kateryna Nuzhnenko

Bei der VHS seit 2024

Kateryna Nuzhnenko has more than 10 years of professional experience in coordinating positions in large non-EU and EU funded projects. She worked in close cooperation with team leaders and international experts and was responsible for selecting resumes as well as selecting and monitoring local partners and sub-contractors. In addition she has been in charge of responding to head-quarter requests and other recipients, representing projects at donor meetings, seminars and workshops. With this background of expertise she has given many trainings in the area of human resource development (e.g. motivation, negotiation skills, public speaking, time-management, communication techniques) for students, executives and civil servants.

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Di. 08.04.25 um 18:00 - 20:15 VHS-Zentrum Nord
Do. 10.04.25 um 18:00 - 20:15 VHS-Zentrum Nord

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Nord
22305 Hamburg / Barmbek
Zwei Rollstuhl-Parkplätze, Zugang barrierefrei, Aufzug vorhanden, Etagentür (95 cm breit) mit Hand zu öffnen, Türbreite 80cm, keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden. Mehr Infos: 040 42804-5801

Hotline: 040 60929-5555


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