Let me put you in the picture - about idioms (Englisch B1/B2)
Sommer in ... Großbritannien!
Learning to understand and use idioms is a true challenge for every language learner, especially when the idiom is different from the one in one's native language. However, idioms are an important step towards achieving fluency. This course will 'show you the ropes', e.g. will help you better handle this kind of figurative language.
Be prepared to pay 1 EUR to your teacher for photocopies.
Be prepared to pay 1 EUR to your teacher for photocopies.
Wichtige Hinweise
Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Reihe "Sommer in ... Großbritannien!"
Ein Kurs von Regina Anders
Bei der VHS seit 2002
Kurstermine & Kursorte
Sa. 17.06.23 um 10:00 - 13:15 | VHS-Zentrum Ost |