HARPO'S BOOK CLUB - New York Times Bestsellers and more
Englisch B2.1
Booklovers meet fellow readers! Join HARPO'S BOOK CLUB, read and discuss a New York Times bestseller - and find out about excellent travel writing, food writing and more! BOOK-TITLE (in response to repeated requests): „Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter“ by Tom Franklin. Award winning, elegantly plotted, superbly written literary crime story charged with wickedly funny dialogue. A masterful performance that blends elements of crime and Southern literary fiction. An all-time favourite!
Please don’t read the book beforehand but wait for further information (email). Not suitable for level C or native speakers!
Please don’t read the book beforehand but wait for further information (email). Not suitable for level C or native speakers!
Wichtige Hinweise
Für die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist eine E-Mail-Adresse für aktuelle Informationen durch die Kursleitung erforderlich.
Ein Kurs von Rebecca Pohle
Bei der VHS seit 2000
Kurstermine & Kursorte
Sa. 08.02.25 um 15:00 - 17:00 | |
Sa. 22.02.25 um 15:00 - 17:00 | |
Sa. 01.03.25 um 15:00 - 17:00 |