Kursnummer: O25300MMM44

HARPO'S BOOK CLUB - New York Times Bestsellers and more

Englisch B2.1

Ein Kurs von Rebecca Pohle
Booklovers meet fellow readers! Join HARPO'S BOOK CLUB, read and discuss a New York Times bestseller - and find out about excellent travel writing, food writing and more! Book-title: The Boy in the Field by Margot Livesey.
Listed by the New York Times as one of the most notable books since 2002, Livesey’s novel is first of all a coming- of-age story, and only in the broadest sense a whodunit, complete with a detective and police procedure: Three siblings walking home from school discover a badly injured boy in a field. The minutes they spend trying to save his life will touch each one of them—Matthew, Zoe, and Duncan—deeply, impacting the lives of everyone around them in painful and surprising ways. Overshadowing all three is the awareness that something is amiss in their parents' marriage. It’s a deceptively simple story, the prose is quiet, almost dreamlike, and beautifully efficient – no extra word in the entire book. Livesey is Scottish, but has lived in Canada and the United States for years.
Please don’t read the book beforehand but wait for further information (email). Not suitable for level C or native speakers!

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Ein Kurs von Rebecca Pohle

Platzhalter: Rebecca Pohle

Bei der VHS seit 2000

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Sa. 02.11.24 um 12:00 - 14:00 VHS-Zentrum Mitte

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Mitte
20357 Hamburg / Sternschanze
3 Behindertenparkplätze beim rückseitigen Hofeingang Bartelsstraße, Zugang barrierefrei, mit unebenem Holzpflaster. Rampe zum barrierefreien Eingang hat ein Gefälle von bis zu 12%. Aufzug vorhanden, Zugang vom Treppenhaus zum Flur hat eine Schwelle von 2 cm, Türbreite 89 cm, keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden, mit nicht unterfahrbarem Waschbecken.. Mehr Infos: 040 42841-2752