Fancy some garden talk? (ab Englisch B1)
You enjoy talking about your own garden or the plants on your balcony. And you like exchanging impressions you have from visiting a park or public garden. Let’s look into the vocabulary you need to do that with others: features of a garden and park, your favourite plants in English and what you enjoy about them.
We meet in a classroom in Poppenhusenstraße for three hours and after a short lunch break move on to the teacher’s garden to ‘taste and try’ what we learned before.
Please note that this is not a (practical or theoretical) course on gardening although an occasional tip might come along.
If it rains that day, we will also spend the afternoon inside, at the Volkshochschule in Barmbek.
We meet in a classroom in Poppenhusenstraße for three hours and after a short lunch break move on to the teacher’s garden to ‘taste and try’ what we learned before.
Please note that this is not a (practical or theoretical) course on gardening although an occasional tip might come along.
If it rains that day, we will also spend the afternoon inside, at the Volkshochschule in Barmbek.
Wichtige Hinweise
The allotment is located in Groß Borstel. Your teacher will assist you on how to arrange your own transportation there (by public transport, bicycle or car). Parking is easily possible. And there is
a direct connection by bus from Barmbek every 10 minutes which takes 22 minutes plus a five-minute-walk. You will receive the address from your teacher during the course.
a direct connection by bus from Barmbek every 10 minutes which takes 22 minutes plus a five-minute-walk. You will receive the address from your teacher during the course.
Ein Kurs von Regina Anders

Bei der VHS seit 2002
Kurstermine & Kursorte
Sa. 05.07.25 um 11:00 - 15:45 | VHS-Zentrum Nord |