Kursnummer: O20881VOP03

Explore the energy of Hip-Hop dance

– introduction for beginners

Ein Kurs von Forooz Taheri
Dive into in the dynamic and energetic world of hip hop. This modern dance style offers a great workout and a creative way to develop self-confidence and self-expression. Hip Hop is a dance style that embodies freedom, self-expression, and a deep connection to music. It creates moments of empowerment, allowing people to rise above the challenges of daily life and find strength and joy through movement. Hip Hop is a cultural movement that allows our teacher Forooz Taheri to stay true to herself while inspiring others. She loves how this style brings together people from all backgrounds, forming a strong and supportive community.
This introduction course is designed to develop individual skills in a fun way, regardless of age or fitness level. You will learn basic steps and movements, from the characteristic hip hop moves to simple choreography. Forooz Taheri will introduce you to the basics of rhythm and musicality and show you how to combine the hip hop movements fluently. In addition to the technical aspects of the dance, she will encourage you to bring out your creativity and personal expression. With this course you will master a range of dance routines, gain a better physical fitness and develop a fuller awareness of your own body

It is part of the VHS open-Programme that invites experts from other cultures to teach at the VHS Hamburg.

Wichtige Hinweise

Please bring comfortable, breathable clothing and several layers to take off when you get hot. You do not need special sports gear but you should bring soft shoes with a good fit. If you normally wear them on the street, please clean the soles thoroughly and with soap to protect our dance floor.
There is no course fee for the VHS open-pogramme. However, for technical reasons you will be asked to enter payment details in the online booking process.

Dieser Kurs ist Teil des VHSopen-Programms, das Lehrenden aus aller Welt ermöglicht, in ihrer Sprache an der Volkshochschule zu unterrichten. Er wird nur auf Englisch unterrichtet. Die Referentin spricht außerdem Farsi und Deutsch.

Ein Kurs von Forooz Taheri

Platzhalter: Forooz Taheri

Bei der VHS seit 0

Forooz Taheri is an engineer with years of experience as a project manager in Iran and Turkey. As her true passion has always been dancing, she continued to dance in addition to her professional career. She has mastered several dance styles, including Hip Hop, Ladies, Dancehall, Commercial Hip Hop, and Reggaeton. Since moving to Germany in 2022, she has been taking professional dance classes and has developed her own unique style. Hip Hop is more than just movement for Forooz – it’s a way of life. The energy, creativity, and expression that Hip Hop offers are her constant sources of inspiration. For her, Hip Hop is a means to channel emotions, tell stories, and celebrate individuality. Check out Forooz's Moves and get inspired by her art on Instagram: Forooz Taheri

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Mo. 16.09.24 um 17:30 - 19:00
Mo. 23.09.24 um 17:30 - 19:00
Mo. 30.09.24 um 17:30 - 19:00

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Mitte
20357 Hamburg / Sternschanze
3 Behindertenparkplätze beim rückseitigen Hofeingang Bartelsstraße, Zugang barrierefrei, mit unebenem Holzpflaster. Rampe zum barrierefreien Eingang hat ein Gefälle von bis zu 12%. Aufzug vorhanden, Türbreite 89 cm, Stufe in Höhe von 11 cm zum Gesundheitsraum. Keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden, mit nicht unterfahrbarem Waschbecken.. Mehr Infos: 040 42841-2752