Kursnummer: P10912NNN08
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Comedy in English: Beginner's Workshop for Stand-Up and Improvisation

Ein Kurs von June Waldenberger
In this engaging and fun-filled workshop, participants will explore the art of comedy in english language. You will learn to craft and deliver jokes using techniques from stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy, while gaining insights into humor in English-speaking cultures. Through interactive activities, you’ll build confidence in performing and adapting your comedic style for various audiences. This workshop provides a unique chance to enhance both your language and comedic skills in an enjoyable and supportive setting.

Wichtige Hinweise

This class is for beginners with a basic level of English.

Ein Kurs von June Waldenberger

Platzhalter: June Waldenberger

Bei der VHS seit 2022

June Waldenberger began improvisation theatre in 2009 in Frankfurt am Main. June was one of the first members of FITS (Frankfurt International Theatre Sports), where she learned the fun of spontaneous humor, on stage and in life. June moved to Sydney where she attended Impro-Australia and Laughmasters Academy, and she was a member of various performing troupes. She has been in shows at Sydney Fringe and The Sydney Comedy Fest, where she has contributed as a performer, writer, and coach. She recently moved to Hamburg and now offers Lunch-Time Improv in English with VHS – Because it is FUN.

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Sa. 08.02.25 um 10:30 - 16:00 VHS-Zentrum Nord

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Nord
22305 Hamburg / Barmbek
Zwei Rollstuhl-Parkplätze, Zugang barrierefrei, Aufzug vorhanden, Etagentür (95 cm breit) mit Hand zu öffnen, Doppelflügeltür, keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden. Mehr Infos: 040 42804-5801

Hotline: 040 60929-5555

E-Mail: service@vhs-hamburg.de

Technische Probleme: technischer-support@vhs-hamburg.de

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